Oil and water separators turn polluted water into filtered water. Here’s how.
Many, many industries use water as part of the manufacturing process. Involved in that mix might be oil. You probably know that oil and water don’t mix, and oil can wreak havoc in your plumbing as well as in your local waterways. Enter the oil and water separator. If your commercial, municipal, or industrial facility has oil and water separators, learn all about them here and see how Jet Blast Inc. can help you in Maryland and neighboring states!
What Are Oil and Water Separators?
An oil and water separator is a machine that uses Stoke’s Law to separate oil from water. The power of physics alone can turn oily water into purer water acceptable to natural environments and wastewater treatment facilities. Oily wastewater enters the tank, and the oil and purified water exit through two separate tubes.
2 Types of Oil and Water Separators?
The above explanation is the general design of an oil and water separator, but the differences appear in the two main types of oil and water separators.
The first kind uses gravity and calculated water turbulence to cause the oil molecules to separate from the H2O and rise to the top. The oil at the top exits the tank through a pipe at the top, while the filtered water exits through a pipe near the bottom. Meanwhile, other solids from the wastewater settle at the bottom.
Another name for this type of oil and water separator is an API separator.
The second type is a coalescing oil and water separator (OWS.) This system includes the addition of an oil-loving appliance within the tank. The oil droplets will cling to this material, clump together, and rise to the top in larger groups. The solids settle at the bottom, and the oil and clarified water exit their separate ways.
Take Care of Yours with Our Cleaning Services!
It is clear that oil and water separators do a great job of keeping harmful oils and solid wastes out of natural waters and other places they shouldn’t be. They can only continue to do that with the help of professional oil and water separator cleaning services. Jet Blast has the technology and know-how to remove and dispose of oily waste according to the law.
Contact Jet Blast Inc. Today!
Jet Blast® Industrial Services strives every day in an effort to provide our customers with the best service and equipment possible. Providing a safe and stable workplace has allowed us to keep a team of quality people, with most having a tenure of 15 – 25 years with Jet Blast®. With all that experience under one roof, we have been able to provide reliable 24-hour service since 1979. I believe this helps to set us apart from the competition.
Compare us! Let us make your job easier. If you’re located in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Northern Virginia, or Washington, D.C., contact us by email at [email protected], call us at 410-636-0730, or fax us at 410-789-3907, and don’t forget to keep in touch with us on Facebook!