Jet Blast helps the oil refinery process by keeping the refinery professionally clean.
We consume countless products as everyday people that we do not know where they come from. Many products went through a multi-step process to become the daily essentials of our lives. Treated oil in its many forms (gasoline, diesel, butane, etc.) is one item that falls in this category. Here, we shall learn the general steps of refinery process stream purification and how Jet Blast Inc. is a vital player.
The Steps of Refinery Process Stream Purification
From the outside, one might think of a crude oil refinery plant as a dirty, vast maze of towers and machines. However, an inside look would show the complexities of the process and the lab work necessary to ensure quality products.
The first step in the refinery process stream purification is the separation of the crude oil into different levels of treated oil. The plant allows the oil to reach its boiling point, which separates it into parts from light to heavy in a column. From lightest to heaviest, one would see the following types:
- Butane and other light oils
- Gasoline components
- Naphtha
- Kerosene
- Diesel
- Heavy gas oil
- Crude oil
The next step is to rid the oils of impurities, such as sulfur. All sulfur is sent to other companies to use for pharmaceutical and fertilizer manufacturing. Meanwhile, the oils must also undergo a chemical conversion, also known as cracking, which breaks molecular bonds into more valuable oils. A refinery plant might use catalysts, thermal heat, pressure, or hydrogen to do this step. Some refineries rearrange molecular structures rather than crack them.
After these steps, the oils must go through more processes to reach their required qualities. Refinery technicians treat the oils through polymerization and gasoline blending to become the products that meet industry standards.
The oils also go through a cooling process, in which cool water runs past the oils to bring down their temperature. The many gallons of water turn into steam, and any unused water will go to the nearest wastewater treatment plant.
Refinery technicians test the final results in the lab at the plant to ensure they have the chemical quality necessary. Once each product passes the test, it can go out for distribution.
Jet Blast’s Refinery Cleaning Services
Jet Blast Inc. has decades of experience in helping keep refineries running at their top capacity. Without routine refinery plant cleaning services, the mammoth structures of the plant will not be able to complete refinery process stream purification efficiently.
Contact Jet Blast Inc. Today!
Jet Blast® Industrial Services strives every day in an effort to provide our customers with the best service and equipment possible. Providing a safe and stable workplace has allowed us to keep a team of quality people with most having a tenure of 15 – 25 years with Jet Blast®. With all that experience under one roof, we have been able to provide reliable 24-hour service for over 4 decades since 1979. I believe this helps to set us apart from the competition.
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