Water jet blasting has many uses for different municipalities and industries.
Water jet blasting, also known as water jetting, is becoming a more common method in industrial cleaning, surface preparation, and even demolition. Jet Blast Incorporated has over 40 years of experience in the field; with their up-to-date equipment, affordability, and exceptional skills, they are the company you will want for any of these water jet blasting applications.
What Is Water Jet Blasting?
Water jet blasting is a method of removing contaminants or cutting through materials with water through specialized machinery. Water jetting blasts away and through materials using the pressure of water alone, and with the power of water, one can safely and effectively clean off hard surfaces of all kinds and sizes.
Benefits of Water Jet Blasting
Water jet blasting is the preferred method today over grit blasting, which uses sand. Grit blasting leaves soluble salts on surfaces at a microscopic level, making new paint or other applications harder to adhere to the newly-cleaned surface. Water jetting, on the other hand, cleans away all soluble salts and other chemicals. While grit blasting requires cleaning up all the sand afterward, water jetting requires no clean-up. Besides, what could be more environmentally friendly than water?
Water Jet Blasting Applications
Industrial Cleaning
Water jet blasting applications include industrial cleaning of all kinds of hard surfaces. It is perfect for the removal of paint, rust, grime, and a host of other contaminants from concrete, asphalt, metal, etc.
If you need no-entry tank cleaning for containers with toxic substances, Jet Blast Inc. has their patented Vessel and Tank 3D rotating nozzle to drill through the toughest, most toxic grime without hazarding human life. All in all, industrial and municipal tubes, pipes, tanks, shops, pavements, and much more can benefit from this form of industrial cleaning.
Surface Preparation
Similar to industrial cleaning, surface preparation is the removal of contaminants from hard surfaces before new applications can begin. Common contaminants include rust, paint, oil, grease, and dirt.
Need an industrial demolition crew? At 10,000 PSI, a water jet can cut through a concrete block on the first go. Imagine how powerful 40,000 PSI can be! Instead of using noisy, dusty, and potentially damaging jackhammers, one can hire water jets to safely expose rebar and demolish wide areas of concrete and other materials. Whatever your needs, Jet Blast Inc. can devise a solution tailored to you.
Contact Jet Blast Inc Today!
Jet Blast® Industrial Services strives everyday in an effort to provide our customers with the best service and equipment possible. Providing a safe and stable workplace has allowed us to keep a team of quality people with most having a tenure of 15 – 25 years with Jet Blast®. With all that experience under one roof we have been able to provide reliable 24 hour service for over 33 years, I believe this helps to set us apart from the competition, compare us! Let us make your job easier. Contact us by email at [email protected], call us at 410-636-0730, or fax us at 410-789-3907, and don’t forget to keep in touch with us on Facebook!