Confined space entry 101: the four main dangers.
Jet Blast Inc. is no stranger to confined spaces. Jet Blast continually learns about and practices the best methods for confined space entry and alternate confined space entry methods. Whenever possible, Jet Blast uses highly-advanced machinery to perform industrial cleaning and vacuuming jobs within confined spaces like tanks, silos, storage bins, vessels, pipes, manholes, pits, and more. When using machinery isn’t possible, Jet Blast looks out for these four main dangers of a confined space.
Toxic Atmospheric Hazards
The first danger is toxic atmospheric hazards. They make up the majority of confined space accident causes. This invisible foe has two forms: a lack of oxygen and the presence of toxic gasses. In the midst of a toxic atmosphere, the worker could be in danger of either asphyxiation (suffocation due to lack of oxygen) or inhalation of toxic gasses or dust. The top gasses that could harm workers are hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, other minor gasses, and others still that remain unspecified.
The way to combat this invisible danger is to test the atmosphere before putting a man in the confined space, as well as providing protection from harmful chemicals and enough oxygen.
Flammable Atmospheric Hazards
Some gaseous chemicals are flammable. Under the right condition, they could cause a flare and explode on anyone present. Flammable atmospheric hazards can cause a fire that the confined space workers didn’t see coming. Once again, they must evaluate the confined space’s atmosphere to know exactly what fumes are present and to what percent. The danger is most present when the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) is 10% or higher.
Engulfment could be due to solid or liquid materials. A person could perish by drowning or asphyxiation in liquid, such as water or oil, or become buried under dirt or rocks. Careful safety preparation and methods can avoid such catastrophes.
Physical Hazards
Physical hazards include falls from high points, electrocution, entrapment, etc. Atmospheric hazards can lead to engulfment or physical hazards, as the fumes could cause the worker to become confused or lose consciousness.
Jet Blast Inc. knows all about these four main dangers of a confined space and does their utmost to perform safe, excellent work every time.
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Jet Blast® Industrial Services strives every day in an effort to provide our customers with the best service and equipment possible. Providing a safe and stable workplace has allowed us to keep a team of quality people, with most having a tenure of 15 – 25 years with Jet Blast®. With all that experience under one roof, we have been able to provide reliable 24-hour service since 1979. I believe this helps to set us apart from the competition.
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