Regular storm drain cleaning is an essential part of keeping neighborhoods safe!
Stormwater sewer systems are a vital community asset. Without them, neighborhoods and cities would constantly flood, and disease would spread. While storm drains take away that excess water into the underground system, they can also catch contaminants along the way that cause clogging. That’s where storm drain cleaning comes to the rescue; below is the importance of storm drain cleaning and how Jet Blast Inc. can be of service!
What Are Some Common Contaminants?
Every year, numerous contaminants, solid and liquid, can leach into the storm drains along with the water runoff. This water goes either to a water treatment plant or a reservoir. Unfortunately, the materials other than stormwater that go through the system can end up clogging it. Some of these materials include the following:
- Trash
- Sticks and leaves
- Animal waste
- Oil, grease, and vehicle fluids
- Antifreeze
- Deicers
- Paints
- Mineral deposits
- Fertilizers
- Pesticides
- Cleaners, detergents, and solvents
- Sediments
- Tree roots
In case a clogged main sewer line is due to a tree root growing within it or another issue, it is best to call a professional to diagnose the issue before attempting to resolve it. You don’t want to address a clogged pipeline one way when it really calls for another solution!
What Makes Drainage Less Effective?
Some drains will clog or overflow more easily than others. For example, if the land is relatively flat and has a very low grade toward the storm drain, then the water flowing into the system will have less momentum to flush out any large contaminants that get in.
How the Community Can Help
Regular storm drain cleaning goes a long way in preventing storm drain overflows, but there are ways the community can help, too! The best way for the neighborhood, town, or city to maintain its storm sewers is to eliminate the chance of contaminants getting stuck in them at all. Trimming trees, raking leaves, and properly disposing of trash are three helpful habits.
Storm Drain Cleaning Services in MD, PA, DE, VA, and DC
Jet Blast Inc. has the equipment and skilled labor to tackle routine and emergency storm drain cleaning. Water jet blasting is the most effective way to clear debris out of the catch basin and pipes. Contact us for more information!
Contact Jet Blast Inc. Today!
Jet Blast® Industrial Services strives every day in an effort to provide our customers with the best service and equipment possible. Providing a safe and stable workplace has allowed us to keep a team of quality people with most having a tenure of 15 – 25 years with Jet Blast®. With all that experience under one roof, we have been able to provide reliable 24-hour service for over 42 years. I believe this helps to set us apart from the competition.
Compare us! Let us make your job easier. If you’re located in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Northern Virginia, or Washington, D.C., contact us by email at [email protected], call us at 410-636-0730, or fax us at 410-789-3907, and don’t forget to keep in touch with us on Facebook!